—–> Saturday, August 24th, 2013 @ 8:30pm
Screening of “Can’t See the Trees for the Wood”
by Daniel Seiple
ARTICLE, Slow-prototype as Forms of Attentiveness and Escape by Paul O’Neill:
How can a collaboration between an incoming contemporary artist, and a local artist-artisan, happen beyond the default position of the first asking the latter to objectify an idea? How can the skills and practice of the contemporary artist affect the skills and practice of the artist-artisan, and vice-versa? How can the traditional hierarchical relationship turn into a collaborative one, with mutual input and affectation?
Curator, Nuno Sacramento, of the Scottish Sculpture Workshop invites the artist, Daniel Seiple, to work with a local craftsperson, Gavin Smith, in the Scottish countryside. With neither acting as a lead producer, there is a constant interchange of perceived roles. After spending a fair amount of time getting acquainted – hiking, drinking, sharing ideas – the two decide to work at Smith’s secluded and cluttered property. They clear his barnyard of weeds and salvage five-tons of discarded wood by stacking it in the form of a Craftsman-style house. The stack is constructed around an inner-architecture, a tunnel and staircase, that reflects the psychological exchange between the two, and offers the practical benefit of being able to access the roof and observe the hills beyond.
Photos from event: