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—–>     Monday, December 17th, 2012 @ 7:30pm


Crying Forever: How Disney Conditions Us for Tragedy


Panel Discussion with:  Zefrey Throwell, Lucia Love and Lorelei Ramirez























In this turbulent time of media blitz, where adults are constantly subjected to massive atrocity, it is often the case that the mind of the child is altogether forgotten. The framework for how we understand tragedy is constructed at an early age, even before we understand words to describe what we find before us. With parenting taking an ever more digital bent and the iPad, television and smartphone standing in for teachers and playmates, what children watch is increasingly important in determining what sort of adult they become. What content-maker rules all others in children’s programming? Disney. Come listen to how Disney lays the groundwork for our perception of all emotions, especially the one that cuts the deepest, tragedy.


Video from event:
















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