SISTER RAY = 24-hour cover
Begin 10 AM, Tuesday the 21st of July, and finish playing at 10 AM, Wednesday the 22nd...
***Streaming live at:
Calling all musicians!!
(And by "musicians" we mean "everyone")
We are organizing an event that requires your participation - a 24-hour open-source marathon performance of "Sister Ray" by the Velvet Underground. We will begin playing at 10 AM, Tuesday the 21st of July, and finish playing at 10 AM, Wednesday the 22nd.
All are invited to perform, at all levels of experience and skill from professional to none at all. And if you would prefer to just watch, that's wonderful too (though you may find yourself inspired to join in). And you can show up whenever and leave whenever, spend five minutes or 24 hours - there are no rules.
To begin the morning our dear friend Walter Steding will kick off the song on his violin and then we'll all join in...
Photo: Andy Warhol, Walter Steding and Lou Reed.
We have done versions of this twice before, for eight hours at a time - this time we will keep it alive for a whole day, and it will be magical.
Photos from the 2 times before:!sister-ray-reh-vs-andrei-rublev/culr!whip-it-on-me-jim-with-a-trd-ensemble-c/c5t5
Instruments, lyrics and refreshments will be provided, but you're also more than welcome to bring your own.
If you want to learn more, stop by This Red Door ( at Westwerk on Admiralitätstraße any evening this week, or just come by on Tuesday.
This Red Door
Listen to Sister Ray original track here: